There isn’t a day that passes that we don’t get a phone call from a person seeking professional video production services in Houston for a music video project. Often, we have to turn-down projects for various reasons, a few of which we’ll briefly outline in this blog post.
Some of our main concerns when working with a recording artist on a music video production project involve various aspects of professionalism.

The Reputation You Make Should Match Your Expectations
Quality is Always First Round These Parts!
Not unlike recording artists and our clients in other businesses, we have a reputation to uphold, and we actively work to maintain it.
Maintaining our reputation while appreciating that of our current, future, and former clients demand that we only associate ourselves with projects that have a touch of quality, thoughtfulness, and seriousness. If you want us to care about your project, we need to believe that you do.
Anyway, before I digress into a misplaced rant (it happens), let’s get into the main things to consider before moving forward with a music video production project.

Is the Music Properly Mastered?
Does it sound right?
Poorly or unmastered audio is the number one reason why we turn down music video projects. We refuse to associate VizTV Media Services with homemade sounding living-room pre-recordings.
That ain’t right. Don’t do this.
Such horrible sound quality & sound design makes us cringe to the degree that we can’t ear more than 10 seconds of these type of works. (10 seconds is an exaggeration. We usually stop playback on tracks after about 5 or 6 seconds of hearing poor quality.)
What are we supposed to do with that?
If produce trash, it reflects on our past, current, and future clients and us. We can’t do that. It’s undesirable.
(The rant happened. It’s all good, though. Fr Fr.)

Do You Have a Vision for the Project?
We Script Video Treatments.
If you have an idea for the visual, it makes our job much easier, speeds up production, and provides a clear focus for productivity efforts.
We’ve never turned down a project due to a lack of vision on the client’s part, but it makes a better music video production when the client is involved in the planning process.
Our clients know their vision better than we ever could. We’ve not reached a level of wisdom that justifies overlooking the truth. Hahaaaa!
However, most (like 90%) of our projects are built on ideas and visions generated in-house. So if you don’t have an idea for the visual, we’re ready to help.

Have You Considered a Music Video Production Budget?
Ways and means matter.
You might be amazed by the sheer number of people that don’t have a clue what the word “budget” means. It is sad, but it’s true. There’s a large population of people from all over the ethnicity and income spectrum that come off as clueless when I ask them about the budget for their music video project.
Understanding Budgets
According to Merriam-Webster, there are many meanings for the term “budget.” The one we’ll focus on is definition 4(c); noun – the amount of money that is available for, required for, or assigned to a particular purpose.
Why Budgets Matter
Whether the music video production budget is 1,500.00 or $150,000.00, it should be decided prior to hiring a music video production company. Clearly defined music video production budgets are essential for making decisions regarding the following;
- Equipment & Vehicle Rentals,
- Camera & Lens Selection,
- Venue (location) Rentals,
- Travel Expenses,
- Extras & Crew,
- Data management & electricity,
- Props & Clothing,
- Set & Light Design,
- Insurance & Permitting,
- Post-production, special effects, and editing,
- Scheduling, Casting, Planning,
- And most importantly, marketing.

You Didn’t Forget About Marketing, Did You?
As VizTV Media Services is, first & foremost a creative marketing firm, there isn’t a project that we’re involved with that doesn’t get marketing dollars hurled at it. We actively market all our music video projects as a way to promote our company and our workmanship while, at the same time, benefiting the originating client. Everyone wins.
However, have you considered what you’re marketing?
Most folks forget that the whole purpose of a music video is to sell a single. In addition to marketing and selling a single, you could leverage your music video for other marketing purposes, which include but are not limited to the following;
- Attracting New Followers & Fans,
- Promoting Your Other Musical Works,
- Growing Your Instagram & YouTube following,
- Penetrating New Audiences,
- Marketing Your Website,
- Marketing Related Acts,
- Amassing Tons of Certifiable Real Views,
- Competing in the Marketplace,
- And more!
Need Video Production Work in Houston?
Contact VizTV Media Services Today!
If you’re interested in learning more about our company or inquiring about music video production, don’t hesitate to contact our offices at your convenience.
We can be reached at 713-443-7578.
Although we’re based in Houston, TX, we produce music videos in Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio, Corpus Christi, Louisiana, Florida, and throughout Texas. If you have any questions about travel outside of Texas, give us a call.
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