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Cinema Gear: Canon EOS C500 Mark II

Updated: Dec 7, 2021 @ 11:45 PM

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A few months ago, we published a blog post about one of our Canon Cinema line cameras, the Canon EOS C300 Mark III. However, we neglected to share that we’re also one of the few video production companies in Houston with a Canon EOS C500 Mark II in its possession.

We Own a Canon EOS Cinema C500 Mark II

VizTV Media Services operates both a Canon EOS C300 Mark III and a Canon EOS C500 Mark II.

The differences between the two cameras may seem marginal, and they somewhat are. However, they have clear and distinctive differences none the less.

The C300 Mark III Vs. the C500 Mark II

Canon EOS C500 Mark II in HoustonThe Canon EOS C300 Mark III has 16+ stops of Dynamic Range versus 15+ stops of Dynamic Range on the Canon EOS C500 Mark II. So, the Canon EOS C300 Mark III is probably better in low light (in specific situations).

Not to be outdone, the Canon EOS C500 Mark II has a larger sensor making it a Full Frame cinema camera versus the widely used but smaller Super 35 sensor on the Canon EOS C300 Mark III. This means that the C500 Mark II captures a larger field of view than its little brother, the C300 Mark III.

4K, Super 35 Sensor

Other differences between the two cameras are the resolution of footage they produce. The Canon EOS Cinema C300 Mark III is limited to 4K with its Super 35 sensor.

6K, Full Frame Sensor

In comparison, the Canon EOS Cinema C500 Mark II and its Full Frame sensor can shoot 6K RAW footage internally. As far as quality is concerned, we’re discussing a couple of top-of-the-line cameras that can only be matched by RED and ARRI rigs.

Canon EOS C500 Mark II - Side Close Up

Other Differences Between the two Cameras

The C500 Mark II lacks the DGO sensor found in the C300 Mark III but makes up for it with its Full Frame sensor. The C300 Mark III can shoot up to 120FPS (good for slow-motion sequences), while the C500 Mark II is limited to 60FPS. If you’re interested in learning more about these two cameras, we’ve embedded a couple of videos below which attempts to compare the two bodies.

From Canon Europe


Why We Bought the C500 Mark II

We needed this camera and were at a loss without a 2nd high-quality camera to match our C300 Mark III. In the list below, I’ve outlined the main reasons motivating the purchase of the $15,999.99 camera body.

  • We only had one modern cinema camera, the C300 Mark III.
  • We needed a true A-Cam to ensure the best image possible.
  • With a C500 Mark II, we could relegate the C300 M3 to B-Cam status.
  • Two matching cameras, as opposed to having one, saves time on set.
  • The 6K video production capability of the C500 Mark II was a plus.
  • The Full Frame sensor.
  • Harmony with the C300 Mark III saves on gear and accessories as both cameras have the same design and use the same parts.
  • The Canon C500 Mark II is respected on video production sets and sets VizTV Media Services apart from its competitors. It speaks loudly and says, “we’re serious.”
  • In Houston, renting these types of cameras is almost impossible, assuming they’re available to be rented at all. Over at Prime Camera (as of the time of this writing), they only have old cinema cameras & photography cameras for rent, which wouldn’t be allowed in-use on our sets.

Looking for a Canon C500 Mark II Operator in Houston?

Call VizTV Media Services Today!

VizTV Media Services is always excited to explore the projects of our clients! If you’re looking for a Canon EOS C500 Mark II operator in Houston or want to work with a high-quality video & film production company, feel free to contact us at any time.

To get started, call us at 713-443-7578 or send us a message using the contact form.

Cinema Gear: The Canon EOS C500 Mark II

VizTV Media Services

About The Author

I'm Ray'Von D. Shanklin (AKA VizFact), owner, and founder of VizTV Media Services. I'm a webmaster, SEO specialist, videographer, graphic designer, PPC campaign expert, and an all-around heck of a guy. If you have any questions or need help, reach out to me.

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