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Social Media Design

Social Media Design; It Matters

In today’s world, consumers associate aesthetics and eye-popping marketing materials with quality and best-of-breed brands. While this truth is unfortunate, it doesn’t mean that a quality business, entertainer, or service provider can’t compete with their mediocre competitors who happened to do a better job in the art & marketing department. With VizTV Media Services in your corner, you can ensure that your business looks the part.

Do you exist?

Does the business have a social media presence at all? If not, drop everything. Call us at 713-443-7578. We need to talk.

You exist!

If your project is present on the leading social media outlets, then we have to ask ourselves an important question; “Does it look the part?”. If the answer is “NO,” let’s review the value of social media design. First, we’ll take a look at some statistics.

Social Media Usage Statistics (U.S.)

Some of the following statistics are based on data which was accumulated by VizTV Media Services in 2015 and may be from a different source than the stats on the Social Media Management page.


Over 180 million monthly US users.


Over 100 million monthly US users.


Over 179 million monthly US users.


Over 47 million monthly US users.

Linked In

Over 128 million monthly US users.


Over 6 million monthly US users.

The People Are There

As the “U.S. monthly active user” count on the various social networks illustrates, the business potential on the social networks is great. Opportunities for brand marketing and image reinforcement are also apparent. There are also ways to siphon business from the social networks, and methods to communicate with your existing customers.


First Impressions

In short, one of the most common life hacks, “First Impressions,” applies online. The same folks online are the same people in the real world, so the same rules of presentation apply.

If your business or project is presented in a professional manner online, your potential client/customer will subconsciously take it seriously and appreciate it more than if otherwise. If given the opportunity to make a good first impression, do it. It’s good for business.

A professional appearance (graphics customized to fit relative social media profiles) says a lot about you and the business being championed. A good looking social media profile will even affect a consumer’s confidence, spurring that all-important 1st interaction.

Carry your business well online, it shows.

The Power of 2nd Impressions

Alexander Todorov
Alexander Todorov

Per renown Princeton University psychologist Alexander Todorov’s research, within 1/10th of a second of meeting someone, a person develops a positive or a negative impression of them.

We may be taught not to judge a book by its cover, but when we see a new face, our brains decide whether a person is attractive and trustworthy within a tenth of a second, according to recent Princeton research. – Princeton University


The same applies to situations when consumers are given visual information that will or should entice a persuasion. If the previously stated is true, then we always make 2nd impressions. The power of the 2nd impression: when they realize their initial impression was wrong, they’re impressed.

In other words, it’s never too late to improve your image.

Understanding Social Media Design

At VizTV Media Services, round here, social media design means more than just fitting up a nice cover image for your Facebook profile.

To us, it means making sure that pages you share from your site or YouTube channel have thumbnails which have an excellent appearance on any social media network you may share them on.

Example of a Client's YouTube Project

When these videos are shared to various social media outlets, the user won't have to play or click the video to get the message we want them to have. Furthermore, with a message on the thumbnail the user is more likely to click-through and view the video in it\'s entirety.

Houston DWI Lawyer Tad A. Nelson's YouTube videos.

When these videos are shared to various social media outlets, the user won’t have to play or click the video to get the message we want them to have. Furthermore, with a message on the thumbnail the user is more likely to click-through and view the video in it\’s entirety.

Example of a Client's Facebook Project

Houston DWI Lawyer Tad A. Nelson's official Facebook page.

Houston DWI Lawyer Tad A. Nelson's Facebook Page

This page has graphics which were custom built to Facebook’s specifications. Also, licensed images where used as thumbnails for the services portion of our client’s Facebook business page.

Featured above is one of the social media graphic design projects we completed for one of our long-term law firm marketing clients, Attorney Tad A. Nelson of The Law Offices of Tad Nelson & Associates.

With the law firm’s various social media properties outfitted with customized branding graphics that were designed to exacting specifications, their global social presence is in solid harmony with their website. This is of the utmost importance when it comes to branding as it helps the customer to develop a familiarity with the identity of the organization.

The Bottom Line

Potential Customers & Clients will visit a business’s G+ & Facebook pages to check for likes, activity, and especially reviews.

As a rule of thumb, the more important the business or expensive the item or service, the more likely the customer/client will seek out customer reviews on social networks prior to making a purchasing decision. These visitors are highly susceptible to visit your social media accounts when looking to buy. In these instances, looking the part could matter tremendously.

Have Questions?

Wanna Hire Us?

Feel free to make contact with VizTV Media Services by using our contact form or by placing a phone call to 713-443-7578. Depending on the demand for our services, which is always high, we may not be accepting new clients.