About Us
Getting to Know VizTV Media Services
About VizTV
A General Overview of the Company
Tasks Completed
Latest Update: 11/05/2022
Tracked Since: 12/24/2014
Websites Built
Latest Update: 11/05/2022
Tracked Since: 09/25/2011
Team Members
Latest Update: 11/05/2022
Tracked Since: 12/01/2012
Videos Produced
Latest Update: 06/07/2021
Tracked Since: 04/15/2012
SEO Success Rate
Latest Update: 10/10/2018
Tracked Since: 12/01/2012
Backlinks Built
Latest Update: NULL
Tracked Since: NULL
Active Ad Campaigns
Latest Update: 03/31/2021
Tracked Since: 01/01/2020
Ad Dollars Spent
Latest Update: 03/31/2021
Tracked Since: 01/01/2020
Global Conv. Value
PPC Success Rate
Latest Update: 03/31/2021
Tracked Since: 01/01/2020
Tracked Phone Calls
Latest Update: NULL
Tracked Since: NULL
Client Retention Rate
Latest Update: NULL
Tracked Since: NULL
Businesses Helped
Latest Update: NULL
Tracked Since: NULL
Domains Registered
Latest Update: NULL
Tracked Since: NULL
Managed Clients
Latest Update: NULL
Tracked Since: NULL
Managed Projects
Latest Update: NULL
Tracked Since: NULL
Global Lead Count
Latest Update: NULL
Tracked Since: NULL
Our Network
Latest Update: NULL
Tracked Since: NULL
Our Business
VizTV Media Services is based in Houston, TX. We’re located and maintain office space in Downtown Houston, TX. We’re a creative firm which provides graphic design, website design, web hosting & management, video production, SEO, PPC campaign management, and photography-related services to our clients.
Our History
Although we’ve provided fantastic services to our clients since 2010, VizTV Media Services, as a stand-alone organization, was officially launched back in October of 2012 which decoupled it from Tha Federation, a creative media group that now stands dormant. The founder and chief executive of VizTV Media Services is Mr. Ray’Von Shanklin or “Shank Shizank,” who is also known as “Viz or VizFact” in some circles, hence the company name.
Our Clients
Over the years, we’ve worked with all sorts of people ranging from complete psychos to exceptional individuals of high moral character like ourselves.
Our former and current clients include nationally recognized brands like Aramark and a small faction within HBO, local law firms like Tad Nelson & Associates and Bennett & Bennett, national firms like Nationwide Investigations & Security, Inc, recording artists like Underboss Flawless & Breelan Angel, a few players in the industrial sector such as Braskem, Wilco Supply, LLC, JTB Tools, & American Exploration Inc., a host of local recording labels, small businesses, and a handful of (other) local creative firms which often hire us to save their asses when they ruin a project.
We are VizTV Media Services.
Our Culture
If we could sum up our culture in a few words, it would have to be something to the effect of “a ferocious pursuit of excellence, perfection, and customer enchantment,” or something like that. We culturally enrich our clients every time we complete a task, produce a video, help a client to succeed in the online search market, update a website, make a grammatical correction, or anything that means we served our client with uncompromising excellence.
That’s us; we’re uncompromising excellence. We fight for our clients in the marketplace. We’re their warriors: no prisoners, no mulligans, no excuses. Execute, execute, execute! Hustle first!
The Team
A General Overview of Our Team
We’re a group of professionals who strive to serve our clients.
Your challenges are ours to resolve. We’re in this together. Results Matter.
Res Ipsa Loquitur
Team Members
Jamerson Vaughn
AC, Grip, DOP
VFX Specialist
Independent Film Maker
Daniel Schmidt
AC, Grip
Independent Film Maker
Jim Vogel
Steadi-Cam Operator
Live Streaming
Independent Film Maker
Ray'Von Shanklin
Google Ads Partner
VFX Editor & Graphic Designer
DOP & Independent Film Maker